Hi Society – Smart Secured Society Management
About this app
Hi Society is a Cloud based apartment building and housing society management solution that simplifies life for everyone, from flat owner, residents and management committee members to security guards and facility managers.
Make your community better managed and strongly connected by leveraging technology:
- Ensuring Security
- Quick connectivity
- Transparent Accounts
Customize the app as required – Each apartment society is unique and needs Customization. All the settings of building-Flats, Access Points, Amenities, Securities features, Utilities, etc. can be customizable.
This app’s Mission is to make a secure, smarter apartment community with the help of technology.
This app’s vision is to create a better everyday life for the people of society.
Supportive Apps/Software
Built and optimized for

App top features
- It is developed for Android & iOS with platform-specific libraries.
- Beautiful Splash/Welcome Screen
- Smooth eye soothing Animation on the whole app
- Hand-crafted UI design
2. Realtime Notification
- Google Firebase Notification for Android
- Apple Push Notification (APN) for iOS
- All notifications are customized and themed with flutter_local_notification
- All notifications have custom sound and notification pictures based on the activity
- For higher-priority cases (e.g. Intercom Call, Security Alert), the notification can break the lock screen to pop up in a full-screen app.
- All notification works perfectly in a different activity that is never killed. So notification works even if the app is fully terminated.
- Implemented onTap functions for every notification based on their activity.
- Admin can send push notifications to a specific user or to a set/group of users.
- All of the past notifications of a user will be saved in a list forever and can access later.
3. Authentication
- Login with Email and Password with Secured Encrypted JWT token.
- Login with Google.
- Login with Facebook.
- Login with Apple (for iOS only).
- Sign Up with a user profile picture and email Verification.
- Forget Password with Email Verification.
4. Nine Types of User (Anyone may hold multiple user roles)
- Admin Users – who have access to everything but user-sensitive information
- Moderator – to QA the public activities, e.g.: Apartment Rent/Sell Ad, Social Media
- Building Committee Head – Head of a building, who has access to everything in that building. The Building owner is the committee head if the building has solo ownership.
- Building Committee Member – Have access to all important features and activities of that building
- Building Manager – Have access to all Managerial and Daily operational activities.
- Flat Owner – May have one or more flat ownership. May not be a resident of that building. Can access all the core information of flats he/she owns.
- Resident Head – The key person of a flat, who has access to everything in that flat.
- Resident Member – The end user of that flat after the resident head.
- Homeless – Any newly signed-up user who doesn’t have a flat yet or removed from a flat.
5. Onboarding
- Create new building
- Create Flat
- Join Flat
- Contact Hi Society
6. Guest Management:
- If any guest comes to the main door, AccessPoint will send the Photo and information of that guest to the concern via a notification.
- The resident can Accept or Decline the entry permission of that guest from the notification/app.
- The resident can issue a Digital Gatepass with 72 hours of validity, which contains the information of the guest and a unique QR code.
- This gate pass can be shared by other apps (WhatsApp, Messenger, Imo, etc)
- This Gate-pass (QR code) can be recognized by the AccessPoint device at once and concern will be notified.
- If any guest comes without Gate-pass, AccessPoint will let the user know about the unknown guest.
- The concern can view all the recent guest/visitor information in a list.
- The resident head can access all the recent guest/visitor information of that flat for up to 3 years.
- The building manager and committee head can access all the recent guest/visitor information of that building for up to 3 years.
7. Parcel Delivery Management:
- If any delivery man comes to the main door, AccessPoint will send the delivery information to the concern via a notification. There is an option to choose if the delivery man will come or the resident will.
- The resident can Response the delivery prompt from the notification/app.
- The delivery man may leave the parcel in the guard room. For that case, a pickup-later OTP will be generated and will be sent to the concerned so that they can collect it afterward at their convenience.
- The concerned resident can collect the parcel later by verifying the OTP from AccessToken.
- All the deliveries will be saved in history and the concern can view all the recent guest/visitor information in a list.
- The resident head can access all the recent guest/visitor information of that flat for up to 3 years.
8. Intercom (Online Call)
- It is a free Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) service based on Real Time Communication (RTC) function.
- Talk to anyone in the community/Building at any time from anywhere (FREE).
- Speak to the entrance of the building (Security Guard) at any moment.
- No more wired intercom, no wire-no tear.
9. Notice & Information
- Only Building Manager and Committee Head can push a Notice/Information.
- Automated notifications will be sent to all society members which will pop up on their phone screen.
- Specific notices can be published for selected members to accomplish specific objectives.
- Society Residents will receive all notifications like new notices, pending payments, polls, and expired apartment documents that are delivered and saved in the database to take necessary actions.
- The Notices will be saved in a list forever and can view later.
10. Helpdesk & Complaint
- Anyone can raise a complaint to Building Manager, Committee Head, Committee member(s), Flat owner(s)
- Selective people or members can be notified when raising a complaint.
- Selective people or members can reply and resolve the complaint.
- Members can track the progress of their complaint and can close or resolve that complaint.
- The Complaint will be saved in a list forever and can view later.
11. Security Alert
- It is a panic alarm for severe emergency cases (e.g. Fire, Intruder, etc.)
- This can immediately alert the residents of danger so they can take action at the earliest. Even the panic alarm will be activated if the phone screen is off or lock.
- This module can be customized for the well-being of the building.
- Building Manager and Committee head can view the recent Alerts with information. So that he can take action if there is any false alarm
12. Overstay Alert
- If any resident not returning for the night or staying out late they can create an overstay alert to let the security guards know of absence.
- In case of staying out late, the security personnel can know beforehand so that the main gates won’t be closed until your arrival.
- The Overstay Alerts will be saved in a list forever and can view later.
13. Amenities Booking
- This module can be customized for the well-being of the building.
- Building Manager and Committee head can view all future bookings with information.
- Any resident can book any amenity (eg. Community Center, Common Car Parking, Gym, Swimming Pool, Meeting Room, etc.) with the booking date and time.
- Building Manager and Committee head can view the booking information.
- User can view all their booked information.
14. Polls & Elections
- Anyone can create polls with multiple options to be voted by society members on any topic, or issue.
- Set poll ending date and time. A poll will be auto-closed on the given date/time.
- Election of the committee (or others) can also be conducted here and all the members can vote by selecting their preferred candidate.
- All members of the society can vote even if he/she is outside the country (no need to appoint a representative).
- Anyone can see how many members have participated in the Election/polls During the ongoing Poll/Election.
- After the closure of the Poll/Election, anyone can view the result directly from there.
- The Polls & Elections will be saved in a list forever and can view later.
15. Document Repository
- Any building/community-related documents can be stored here.
- The files will be stored here in PDF format.
- There are 2 types of documents that can be stored: Public and Private.
- Anyone can upload private documents, which only he/she can access.
- Only the Building manager and committee head can upload the public documents, which will be accessible to any member of that building.
- All of the Financial Documents and Financial statements will be accessible here (in the public document)
- No need to have a PDF reader to view the documents. Users can access them directly from the app.
- The documents here will be stored and accessible here forever.
16. Society Accounts (Financial Management)
- If the building has no financial data entered yet, ….
- Only the Building manager and committee head can access this module.
- Issue Invoices of Service Charges, Rent, Etc. to any flat. The resident head will be notified and receive the money receipt on his app. It will reflect the monthly transaction
- The resident can view all his invoices in a list with information.
- Issue Invoices for other incomes. It will also reflect the monthly transaction
- Any kind of purchase, income, or transaction can be entered here with the date, time, and receipt paper photograph.
- All of the transactions can be previewed in the monthly ledger in chronological order.
- A shareable complete ledger statement with total calculation also can be generated and shared via other apps.
- All Previous transactions will be stored in the database. So the previous ledger is also accessible.
- Monthly Statement (Adjusted Surplus/Deficit) and Balance sheet (from B/D to C/D) with adjustments and entries. Monthwise Previous balance sheets are also accessible.
- The current Assets & Liability balance sheet after all calculations.
- View/Edit Service charge value.
- View flatwise yearly all due service charges in a list.
17. Staff Management:
- Only the Building manager and committee head can access this module.
- Add, Remove, and Edit Supporting Staff details.
- Well-organized Attendance sheet with month and datewise previous attendance data.
- Get month-wise total absent reports of all staff in a list.
- Disburse the salary of any month of staff with manual adjustment. Total earnings and deductions will be shown initially. After submission, a payslip will be generated which can be shared via other apps.
- The list of disbursed salaries will be stored in history and can view later.
18. Chat & Discussion
- Ensuring a private and secure space to communicate with the members of the community.
- Instant connectivity and free of any charge.
- P2P Private Chat and Group Chat.
- No other people can access the chat information but the participants.
19. Utility Contacts
- This module can be customized for the well-being of the building.
- Contact book of Plumber, water pipe, Electrician, Gas repair, etc related utility supplies.
- Can initiate call directly from the address book (Phone Call).
- Can view their Name, Photo, Bio, Mobile Number, and NID Information for transparency.
20. Apartment Rent & Purchase
- Two types of ads: Rent and Sell
- Any Flat-owner, Building Manager, or Committee Head can post a new Rent/Sell Ad.
- Up to 5 Photos for each ad post.
- All necessary information about the ad (e.g. title, price, area, measurement, description, etc.)
- Any user of Hi Society can view the ad and contact the concerned person.
- The admin and Moderator can hide the ads in case of expiration or inappropriate.
21. News Feed (Social Media)
- This page is an infinite scrollable news feed like Instagram.
- Any user can post on social media with or without a photo.
- Any user of Hi Society can view the posts, react and comment.
- Double tap to quick react.
- Tap and hold to view the photo in full screen.
- Any user of Hi Society can view the recent comments.
- The registered user can view his/her own previous posts.
- He/she can edit/delete his/her own post.
- The admin and Moderator can hide the ads in case of expiration or inappropriate.
- The Posts here will be stored and accessible here forever.
22. My Family
- Only the resident head can access this feature.
- The resident head can determine the total number of residents in his flat.
- He can assign another hi-society user as the resident member of his flat (e.g., Son, Daughter, Spouse)
- He can view all other resident member lists of his flat from here.
23. Flat I Own
- Only a flat member can access this feature.
- He can view all resident heads of the flats he owns from here with their email address.
- He can see if any flat is occupied or empty from that list
24. Subscription
- Only the Building manager and committee head can access this module
- The user can see the current Subscription package information with the current subscription status (Last payment, Next payment, etc.)
- Switch to another package
- Renew subscription
- bKash merchant Payment gateway with end-to-end encryption.
25. My Building
- Only the Building manager and committee head can access this module.
- Building Information: Full building information is saved in the Hi Society database.
- Building Flats: Add, Remove, and Edit building flats.
- Full visitor log: The building manager and committee head can access all the recent guest/visitor information of that building for up to 3 years.
- Access Points Headline: Push a custom message, which will be visible on the front page of AccessPoint.
- Utility contacts: Add, Remove, and Edit Utility Person’s Contact Details.
- Committee Members: Add, Remove, and Edit Committee Members.
- Building Manager: Add, Remove, and Edit Building Manager.
- Amenities: Add, Remove, and Edit Amenities.
26. Account Setting
- Update Profile Picture
- Update Personal account information
- Update password
- Request account deletion.
27. Others (Misc.)
- About us (in-app web view)
- FAQ (in-app web view)
- Privacy Policy (in-app web view)
- Hotline (Direct Phone Call)
- Network/Server information
- App version information
- App update prompts
- App network prompts
- App permission access prompts
- Subscription/Payment prompts
- Troubleshooting