Saif Abdullah S.
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Motion Graphics Designer, Animator & VFX Artist

I am an accomplished client-facing versatile visual artist with over 5 years experience of in motion graphics and animation. Proficient in managing a large multi-disciplinary team to deliver complex international projects, I combine excellent concept art planning with strong visualizations skills to ensure client projects are delivered on time and within budget. At the current moment, I am focusing on doing motion graphics and explainer videos along with portraiture. I am sure that I can deliver the project exceeding your expectations, and I always looking for a long-term working relationship with my client. I would be glad to provide you with my portfolio. I have undertaken numerous professional design & video projects, and offer the following services: An explainer video, 2d animation, Logo animation, Sting, Infographics, Title Animation. 3d motion graphic, Broadcast Graphics, Whiteboard animation.

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  • Adobe Character Animator
  • Whiteboard Animation
  • Explainer Video
  • CrazyTalk Animator
  • Social Media Video
  • Corporate Video

Get started working with Saif Abdullah quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Saif Abdullah quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a 2d Animation Explainer Video to boost your business.

From $140
2 days delivery